Saturday 27 February 2016

Fallout 4 Review PS4 (Main Story Spoiler free)

My Game Rating - 9 . 5 / 10 ...

Since BETHESDA's release of Fallout 3, gamers internationally were left wondering as to what they could expect from Fallout 4's concepts. Development was done so in secret, with certain questions being dodged during interviews. Despite this, fans knew such a project was already in development, heightening the hype as a result. Since the release of the next generation consoles, this has opened an array of opportunities for graphical enhancements as well as improving performance generally. Certainly, you'd think that Fallout 4 would make the perfect candidate, to really see if such big game RPG's could successfully be supported on larger consoles.

For several years of work, I believe the game in general, has been created to a very high standard. This is evident in many factors from performance to graphics and gameplay - to which I shall discuss in just a moment. To start, I'd like to express how interesting it was to have a taste of pre-war Fallout. Environments are rich, yet they held aspects of historical influences from Witchcraft to the American war of Independence.

Things that I liked:

  • The construction and customisation of weapons, settlements and power and other armour types.
  • The personality of companions and NPC'S.
  • The opportunity to build levels of friendship and romance with companions.
  • Combat - enemy AI.
  • Stealth System
  • Exploring various types of environments, swamps, seas, quarries, forests, pre-war Chinese submarine etc.
  • The aesthetic of the 'Glowing Sea.'
  • Voice Acting
  • Significantly less glitches and tedious loading screens.
  • Side quest story lines, opportunities and content.
  • A wide range of allies and enemies.
  • Weather systems - rain storms, fog, sunshine etc.
  • Music for the radio, pip boy. 
  • Armour System
  • Being able to join various factions - The Brotherhood, Pillar of the Community, The Railroad, The Minute Men and The Institute. 
  • Plenty of opportunities to hoard! 
  • Collecting junk is finally seen as a crucial part of customisation elements.
Google image Screen shot from BlackLagoonGaming88 - youtube.

Things that I didn't like:

  • The building system - not being able to create walls on uneven ground, clear rubble,  difficulty in blending defence walls into another to create a more solid, organised structure.
  • Not having the ability too send followers to Sanctuary Hills (That could be a bug on my end.)
  • Conversation system - Context is hit and miss.

Compared to fallout 3, being somewhat of a evil character is difficult. While conversing with NPC's, the 'evil' response is seen as not so. Although adding a sarcastic element to the game and having NPC's give it back to you (Nick Valentine for example,) is a refreshing aspect to gameplay. You are forced in a sense to be good. Fallout 4's review score would have been higher if we had the freedom to act as we please with the consequences and rewards to boot. That's not to say Fallout 4 shouldn't be credited for the progress since the third game. Rather than in this regard, Fallout 3 would be better by default. In previous titles, we were able to choose between saving a town and blowing it up. Rewards for both options were somewhat similar yet different depending on your morality and aesthetic style. 

All in all, I'd say that Fallout 4 is not as good or worse than Fallout 3. Both are excellent in most aspects but the few things that separate them is moral choice and game performance and graphics. 

That was my review of Fallout 4! If you like the review please leave a like or comment as this helps me to improve and such. Thank you for taking the time to read it. 

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